Mount Sinai Doctor Investigated After Inappropriate Behavior

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

Not all medical malpractice cases result in a physical injury to the patient. The errors of a doctor or medical staff may be in the form of poor judgment and inappropriate behavior leading to emotional or mental damage rather than physical injury. As the New York Daily News reports, a well-known doctor of Mount Sinai Hospital is now under investigation for the inappropriate behavior and touching of a 22-year-old emergency room patient.

A 45-year-old emergency room doctor and Iraq War veteran has been put on leave from Mount Sinai Hospital after allegations of inappropriate behavior. The alleged victim, a 22-year-old female had come to Mount Sinai emergency room with the complaint of shoulder pain. After being administered morphine, the 22-year-old patient alleges that the attending doctor entered her room, administered more morphine, fondled her breasts and began touching himself.

According to sources, the patient alleges that the doctor administered an additional dose of morphine before engaging in the inappropriate touching of her breasts. The patient stated that she was unable to move during the incident because she was profoundly medicated. According to the complaint, the patient reported the incident to another physician and asked to speak to the supervisor. Unfortunately, the supervisor at the time of the incident was the doctor in question. Upon finding this information out, the patient left the hospital.

The New York Police Department and the Manhattan District Attorney’s office are now investigating the allegations. The 45-year-old emergency room doctor now under investigation, was the subject of another medical malpractice suit in 2009 which was thrown out by the judge.

Not all cases of medical malpractice result in physical injury to a patient. However, emotional and mental damage suffered at the hands of a negligent doctor may be just as catastrophic. Individuals impacted by these types of injuries may benefit by speaking to a medical malpractice attorney.

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