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Neglect one of many potential problems for nursing home patients

By Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP

New York residents who have a loved one living in a nursing home may be interested in some information about the possible issues residents may face. While there are many potential problems that could harm nursing home residents, neglect may seem to be the most pressing.

The Ombudsman for the New Mexico Department of Health details some important points about proper standards of care that they look for during nursing home inspections in a recent interview. She says that when checking out workers that have been hired, inspectors try to make sure that the workers are able to communicate with residents and are properly trained. Other important inspection points deal with food safety, including proper preparation of food and providing the proper diets for those with special needs.

While nursing home abuse is a serious issue, the Ombudsman says that the bigger problem is nursing home neglect. She cites examples such as putting drinking water out of reach of an immobile resident as the type of neglect issues that are common. Residents, she points out, often fear retaliation from neglectful or abusive nursing home caregivers if they complain or make the staff angry. When inspectors check facilities, they often ask residents if they feel safe or if they have been subjected to rough or negative treatment by the facility staff.

While it is true that most nursing home staff members do their jobs well and care about residents, there is always the possibility of one who does harm to those under their care. In these situations, an attorney may be able to help. The attorney may be able to investigate the possible nursing home abuse or neglect and bring the appropriate legal action against the nursing home or staff members responsible.

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