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New York Bard Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Attorneys

Bard Hernia Mesh Lawsuits: Settlement Guide for Affected Patients [March 2024 Update]

Judge Edmond A. Sargus, Jr. recently ordered parties to settlement mediation and set a May 2024 deadline. Judge Sargus oversees 21,000 suits and the over 20,000 suits in state court may also be included. Any settlement may only apply to victims who already have filed lawsuits.

As of March 2024, significant developments in the litigation process are underway, including mediation ordered by Judge Edmund A. Sargus Jr. This mediation, facilitated by a court-appointed special negotiating master, John Jackson, marks a pivotal step toward potential resolution for affected individuals. Later, we’ll delve into the specifics of the timeline regarding receiving settlement money.

If you or a loved one are grappling with complications arising from Bard hernia mesh implants, stay informed with our comprehensive guide to Bard hernia mesh lawsuits and any potential settlements.

We expect eligibility criteria for filing a claim to include experiencing complications such as:

  • Infections
  • Chronic pain
  • The need for additional surgeries due to Bard hernia mesh implants

As with all mass tort settlements, submission deadlines will be set. Filing a claim requires thorough documentation of medical records and evidence supporting the complications linked to Bard hernia mesh implants.

Our firm, Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Hellman LLP, specializes in guiding individuals through the complex process of filing a claim, ensuring that their legal rights are protected and advocating for fair compensation for their suffering.

Contact Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Helman LLP today to explore your legal options.

Our firm represents clients in all 50 states, we do not refer your case to other firms and offer lower attorney fees than firms in many other states.

What you need to Know about Bard Hernia Mesh Products

Bard’s Hernia Mesh is designed to reinforce weakened tissue to prevent hernias from coming back. They are advertised to speed up healing and make surgery easier with less pain afterward. Some common types of hernia mesh include:

Despite its intended benefits, complications can arise, potentially warranting legal recourse. Currently, our firm is looking at specific complications related to Bard Hernia Mesh which have been partially or fully removed, which may serve as grounds for legal action, including but not limited to:

If you have experienced any of the above-listed complications, it is essential to talk to your doctor about what’s right for you. While you navigate this process, our team stands ready to provide personalized counsel regarding viable steps toward initiating a lawsuit.

Bard Hernia Mesh Plaintiff Verdict Updates

Past trial verdicts for injured plaintiffs will be important considerations in future settlements. There have been over $5.5 million in total verdicts.






Oct 2023 $500,000 ·        Federal multidistrict litigation

·        Perfix Plug inguinal mesh

·        Outdated use of heavyweight mesh

·        Mesh “balled up”

·        Chronic pain

·        Nerve entanglement

·        Difficult removal




Aug 2022 $4.8 million ·        Rhode Island State Court

·        Ventralex Mesh

·        Deformation of multilayer mesh

·        Bowel resection

·        Polypropene design promoting bacteria

·        Infection

·        “Adhesion” internal scar tissue



April 2022 $255,000 ·        Federal multidistrict litigation

·        Ventralex Mesh

·        Pain

·        Infections

·        Multiple Surgeries

·        Bard tried a “blaming the surgeon” defense, which did not work with jury



In response to sustained pressure from plaintiffs, significant strides have been made in advancing this litigation toward resolution through mediation, scheduled for late March 2024. Under the directive of Judge Sargus and the oversight of the newly appointed settlement mediator, John Jackson, concerted efforts are underway to expedite the settlement process.

Can I Still File a Claim?

We are actively investigating potential claims with the injuries discussed above. Various federal and state courts are still open for filing lawsuits. A future settlement plan may require that a suit be filed. For those filing a suit, there are time limits known as “statute of limitations” and “statute of repose.” These time limits differ from state to state and legal analysis can be made to determine if a suit is meritorious.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the developments and implications, we encourage individuals to explore our recent blog posts, offering detailed insights into the ongoing proceedings.

Past Successful Mesh Litigations Guide Bard Settlement

Our firm has been litigating mesh cases for over ten years against many defendants. Sadly, the medical world provides little protection for patients, and that is where litigation becomes a good check for these defendants. We work individually with each client to learn how it has affected you and how we can advocate for a settlement that reflects:

  • past pain & suffering
  • potential future complications
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • lost earnings
  • lost enjoyment of life
  • unreimbursed medical bills

No settlement plan is exactly like any other, but we know one thing: defendants want to blame anyone but themselves. Experience is needed in predicting how defendants will try to minimize a settlement and likewise, how the most detailed presentation of your claim can be made for what is meritorious and a complete award.

How Our Bard Mesh Attorneys and Litigation Team Can Help

While no one can undo permanent damage done by an injury, a lawsuit can help the victim and their family recover losses and receive the medical treatment they deserve in the future. Our skilled New York attorneys, led by the distinguished David B. Rheingold, are dedicated to investigating the cause of these injuries and doing whatever is necessary to ensure the offending products are kept away from innocent people.

Your case stays with your firm. We do not refer your case to other firms. Also, the attorney fee is only 33% of the recovery, which is smaller than firms in many other states.

If you have encountered any complications related to a Bard Hernia Mesh product, don’t hesitate to contact Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo Plotkin & Helman LLP today to explore your legal options.